(915) 584-5728
[email protected]
403 Frontera Rd. El Paso, TX 79922
Parent Portal

The Nido -which means nest- is a space carefully designed for children 3 months – 17 months of age based on the Montessori philosophy and methodology. The Nido is a safe, nurturing environment that resembles a home environment and offers an option for working parents.
Maria Montessori through her observations discovered the power of the Absorbent Mind, a special mental power which at this age is unconscious and allows the child to learn effortlessly from the environment. The baby relates to the environment through the senses. He/she sees, hears, smells, touches, senses and explores his/her surroundings taking from the environment what he/she needs for the process of self-construction.
The Nido responds to the Human Tendencies and Sensitive Periods of the child. In this environment human tendencies such as exploration, orientation, order, communication, and repetition will manifest freely, supporting the optimal development of the child. These tendencies also support the child in his/her adaptation to the environment.
The Montessori philosophy also observes the Sensitive Periods which are special periods of time when the child is interested in a special aspect of learning almost to the exclusion of all others. The activities, the materials, and the space are planned to satisfy these special windows of opportunity. In the Nido, we can observe the sensitive periods of movement, language, order, and sensorial exploration.
The Nido is an environment that offers ample opportunity for free movement and exploration. It allows for the child to develop gross and fine motor skills.
The baby explores the environment through movement: manipulating, shaking, touching, listening to the sounds the materials make, through all these activities the child is understanding his surroundings.
Psychomotor development which enables the creation of movement and language is related to the physical process of myelinization. This process happens in a cephalocaudal (head to tail) and proximodistal (From the center out) manner.
Movement is extremely important for a child’s optimal development. Allowing the child to move freely and to have the experience of working.
The child explores the environment through the senses. Everything is new and unknown for a baby, he discovers through his sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The materials and experiences offered in the Nido support the child in the acquisition of these new experiences. The environment will offer a reality-based experience rich in learning and engaging activities.
When a baby is born, he/she will absorb from the environment the language/s he is exposed to. The baby will be absorbing the particular sounds of those languages and will little by little start developing expressive language. Having a caring adult that will model the dance of communication will allow the child to have the confidence that what he/she wants to say is important.
We will be there for your child when he/she starts cooing, babbling, and finally saying words.
Because of the region where we live, children will be exposed both to English and Spanish. One face, one language.
Children will be offered vocabulary, language materials, books, songs, and rhymes as well as ongoing conversations with their guides.
The Nido will be open for Half Day from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM and for Full Day from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
During this time the children’s needs for hygiene, sleep, nourishment and development will be addressed in a caring and loving environment.